VISI : Pendidikan Berkualiti Insan Terdidik Negara Sejahtera MISI : Melestarikan Sistem Pendidikan Yang Berkualiti Untuk Membangunkan Potensi Individu Bagi Memenuhi Aspirasi Negara


Pendidikan di Malaysia adalah suatu usaha berterusan ke arah memperkembangkan lagi potensi individu secara menyeluruh dan bersepadu untuk mewujudkan insan yang seimbang dan harmonis dari segi intelek, rohani, emosi dan jasmani berdasarkan kepercayaan dan kepatuhan kepada Tuhan. Usaha ini adalah bagi melahirkan rakyat Malaysia yang berilmu pengetahuan, berketerampilan, berakhlak mulia, bertanggungjawab dan berkeupayaan mencapai kesejahteraan diri, serta memberi sumbangan terhadap keharmonian dan kemakmuran keluarga, masyarakat dan negara.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Fwd: Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle

Establish the objectives and processes necessary to deliver results in accordance with the expected output (the target or goals). By establishing output expectations, the completeness and accuracy of the spec is also a part of the targeted improvement. When possible start on a small scale to test possible effects.
Implement the plan, execute the process, make the product. Collect data for charting and analysis in the following "CHECK" and "ACT" steps.
Study the actual results (measured and collected in "DO" above) and compare against the expected results (targets or goals from the "PLAN") to ascertain any differences. Look for deviation in implementation from the plan and also look for the appropriateness and completeness of the plan to enable the execution, i.e., "Do". Charting data can make this much easier to see trends over several PDCA cycles and in order to convert the collected data into information. Information is what you need for the next step "ACT".
Request corrective actions on significant differences between actual and planned results. Analyze the differences to determine their root causes. Determine where to apply changes that will include improvement of the process or product. When a pass through these four steps does not result in the need to improve, the scope to which PDCA is applied may be refined to plan and improve with more detail in the next iteration of the cycle, or attention needs to be placed in a different stage of the process.

Note: Some modern trainers now also refer to the "A" as "Adjust". This helps trainees to understand that the 4th step is more about adjusting/correcting the difference between the current state and the planned state instead of thinking that the "A" is all about action and implementation (which actually happens in the second ("D") stage).


Also called: PDCA, plan–do–study–act (PDSA) cycle, Deming cycle, Shewhart cycle

The plan–do–check–act cycle (Figure 1) is a four–step model for carrying out change. Just as a circle has no end, the PDCA cycle should be repeated again and again for continuous improvement.

Figure 1: Plan-do-study-act cycle
Figure 1: Plan-do-check-act cycle

When to Use Plan–Do–Check–Act

  • As a model for continuous improvement.
  • When starting a new improvement project.
  • When developing a new or improved design of a process, product or service.
  • When defining a repetitive work process.
  • When planning data collection and analysis in order to verify and prioritize problems or root causes.
  • When implementing any change.

Plan–Do–Check–Act Procedure

  1. Plan. Recognize an opportunity and plan a change.
  2. Do. Test the change. Carry out a small-scale study.
  3. Check. Review the test, analyze the results and identify what you've learned.
  4. Act. Take action based on what you learned in the study step: If the change did not work, go through the cycle again with a different plan. If you were successful, incorporate what you learned from the test into wider changes. Use what you learned to plan new improvements, beginning the cycle again.

Plan–Do–Check–Act Example

The Pearl River, NY School District, a 2001 recipient of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, uses the PDCA cycle as a model for defining most of their work processes, from the boardroom to the classroom.

PDCA is the basic structure for the district's overall strategic planning, needs–analysis, curriculum design and delivery, staff goal-setting and evaluation, provision of student services and support services, and classroom instruction.

Figure 2 shows their "A+ Approach to Classroom Success." This is a continuous cycle of designing curriculum and delivering classroom instruction. Improvement is not a separate activity: It is built into the work process.

Figure2: Plan-do-study-act example
Figure 2: Plan–do–check–act example

Plan. The A+ Approach begins with a "plan" step called "analyze." In this step, students' needs are analyzed by examining a range of data available in Pearl River's electronic data "warehouse," from grades to performance on standardized tests. Data can be analyzed for individual students or stratified by grade, gender or any other subgroup. Because PDCA does not specify how to analyze data, a separate data analysis process (Figure 3) is used here as well as in other processes throughout the organization.

 Figure 3: Pearl River: analysis process
Figure 3: Pearl River: analysis process

Do. The A+ Approach continues with two "do" steps:

  1. "Align" asks what national and state standards require and how they will be assessed. Teaching staff also plans curriculum by looking at what is taught at earlier and later grade levels and in other disciplines to assure a clear continuity of instruction throughout the student's schooling. Teachers develop individual goals to improve their instruction where the "analyze" step showed any gaps.
  2. The second "do" step is, in this example, called "act." This is where instruction is actually provided, following the curriculum and teaching goals. Within set parameters, teachers vary the delivery of instruction based on each student's learning rates and styles and varying teaching methods.

Check. The "check" step is called "assess" in this example. Formal and informal assessments take place continually, from daily teacher "dipstick" assessments to every-six-weeks progress reports to annual standardized tests. Teachers also can access comparative data on the electronic database to identify trends. High-need students are monitored by a special child study team.

Throughout the school year, if assessments show students are not learning as expected, mid-course corrections are made such as re-instruction, changing teaching methods and more direct teacher mentoring. Assessment data become input for the next step in the cycle.

Act. In this example the "act" step is called "standardize." When goals are met, the curriculum design and teaching methods are considered standardized. Teachers share best practices in formal and informal settings. Results from this cycle become input for the "analyze" phase of the next A+ cycle.

Excerpted from Nancy R. Tague's The Quality Toolbox, Second Edition, ASQ Quality Press, 2004, pages 390-392.

Pegawai Pendidikan Daerah
Marang, Terengganu.   e-mail:

Pegawai Pendidikan Daerah
Marang, Terengganu.   e-mail:

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